Alvaro VidelaRead my Thoughts. Follow my Leads.

Testing Java Libraries from ScalaCheck

In this article I would like to show you how to integrate ScalaCheck into a Maven project in order to test your Java classes. I will use as an example the PhoneNumber class as seen on Item 9 on the book Effective Java. The idea will be to test that the equals method implementation on that class conforms to the equals contract according to the Java Specification (more on that later). Also we will be testing a couple of Netty handlers that could be used to Encode/Decode a PhoneBook object in order to send it on the network.

The finished project could be found on this Github repo:

The PhoneNumber Class

Here’s the PhoneNumber class based on Item 9 from the book Effective Java. This class is special because it overrides the equals method, so we want to use ScalaCheck to verify that our equals implementation follows the contract specified in the Java Specification.

Here’s the full sourcecode for this class:

package org.videlalvaro.phoneguide;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;

 * As seen in Effective Java Item 9
public final class PhoneNumber {
    private final short areaCode;
    private final short prefix;
    private final short lineNumber;

    public PhoneNumber(int areaCode, int prefix, int lineNumber) {
        rangeCheck(areaCode,    999, "area code");
        rangeCheck(prefix,      999, "prefix");
        rangeCheck(lineNumber, 9999, "line number");

        this.areaCode = (short) areaCode;
        this.prefix = (short) prefix;
        this.lineNumber = (short) lineNumber;

    public static PhoneNumber fromPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber phoneNumber) {
        return new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber.getAreaCode(), phoneNumber.getPrefix(), phoneNumber.getLineNumber());

    public short getAreaCode() {
        return areaCode;

    public short getPrefix() {
        return prefix;

    public short getLineNumber() {
        return lineNumber;

    private static void rangeCheck(int arg, int max, String name) {
        if (arg < 0 || arg > max)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + ":" + arg);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if(!(o instanceof PhoneNumber))
            return false;
        PhoneNumber pn = (PhoneNumber) o;
        return pn.lineNumber == lineNumber
                && pn.prefix == prefix
                && pn.areaCode == areaCode;

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 31)

This class goes into the src/main/java/org/videlalvaro/phoneguide/ file.

As you can see in the code we also override hashCode since whenever we override equals we should override hashCode as well. Here I took the liberty of using the HashCodeBuilder class from apache-commons, since it provides helper methods that let you build a correct implementation of hashCode.

Now that we have the class we want to test, let’s see how to setup the build environment.

Maven Setup

In this project I’ve decided to use Maven, since it’s one of the most popular tools for building Java projects. In order to use ScalaCheck we need to add a couple of libraries as dependencies. Here’s an excerpt from the pom.xml file


There we specify the dependencies on Scala the language, ScalaTest which we will use for writing our test suites and running the tests, and finally there’s the ScalaCheck dependency which we will use to write our property based tests. We also added the dependencies for Netty, which we will use later in the project, and commons-lang which gives use the HashCodeBuilder class.

Then we need to configure the scala-maven-plugin and the scalatest-maven-plugin which we will use to compile and run our tests. Here’s what we need to add to our pom.xml file:

		<!-- disable surefire -->
		<!--enable scalatest-->
				<filereports>WDF TestSuite.txt</filereports>

As you can see we are telling maven how to build our Scala test sources and then how to execute them. For that we first disable maven’s Surefire to enable the test runner provided by ScalaTest.

If at this point we run mvn compile it should build our project. Now let’s add some tests.

Testing our equals implementation

According to Effective Java, a conforming implementation of equals should have the following properties:

Let’s try to use ScalaCheck to test these properties. If you want to learn more about ScalaCheck, take a look at their user guide

In order to test our PhoneBook class first we need to tell ScalaCheck how to generate arbitrary instances of our class. Let’s add the following code inside the file src/test/scala/org/videlalvaro/phoneguide/generators/Generators.scala

package org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.generators

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.PhoneNumber

object Generators {

  implicit val arbPhoneNumber: Arbitrary[PhoneNumber] = Arbitrary(genPhoneNumber)

  def genPhoneNumber = for {
    areaCode <- Gen.choose(1, 999)
    prefix <- Gen.choose(1, 999)
    lineNumber <- Gen.choose(1, 9999)
  } yield new PhoneNumber(areaCode, prefix, lineNumber)


There we have a function genPhoneNumber which lets ScalaCheck generate random values for the areaCode, prefix and lineNumber fields, and based on those we yield new instances of the PhoneNumber class.

Then for ScalaCheck to be able to use our generator we need to provide an implicit conversion from our generator into ScalaCheck’s Arbitrary class, which is what the implicit val arbPhoneNumber: Arbitrary[PhoneNumber] = Arbitrary(genPhoneNumber) line is doing.

With that code in place then we can write code like:

forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
  phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)

Provided that the generator and the arbitrary definitions are in scope.

Now let’s see how the test code looks like:

package org.videlalvaro.phoneguide

import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite}
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, Checkers}

import org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.generators.Generators._

class PhoneNumberTest extends FunSuite with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  test("equals should be reflexive") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)

  test("equals should be symmetric") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      val phoneNumber2 = PhoneNumber.fromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true)
      phoneNumber2.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)

  test("equals should be transitive") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      val phoneNumber2 = PhoneNumber.fromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
      val phoneNumber3 = PhoneNumber.fromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber2)
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true)
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber3) should be (true)
      phoneNumber2.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)
      phoneNumber2.equals(phoneNumber3) should be (true)
      phoneNumber3.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)
      phoneNumber3.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true)

  test("equals should be consistent") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      val phoneNumber2 = PhoneNumber.fromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true)
      phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true)
      phoneNumber2.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)
      phoneNumber2.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)

  test("equals should respect non-nullity") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      phoneNumber.equals(null) should be (false)

In our PhoneNumberTest class we extend the FunSuite class provided by ScalaCheck that will allow us to write descriptive test functions like the ones in our example: test("equals should be consistent") {...}. We also mixed in the GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks trait which gives us the forAll method required to write our properties. Finally, and as a matter of taste, we mixed the Matchers trait that let us write assertions using should and similar matchers: phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber2) should be (true).

In our tests we are saying that for all PhoneNumber instances: forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) => what follows in the method body should be true, like in our first test, where and object should be equal to itself: phoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true). In a similar way we test the other properties of a correct equals implementation.

Let’s execute the tests by running mvn test. If all went well you should see output like this:

Discovery starting.
Discovery completed in 178 milliseconds.
Run starting. Expected test count is: 5
- equals should be reflexive
- equals should be symmetric
- equals should be transitive
- equals should be consistent
- equals should respect non-nullity
Run completed in 516 milliseconds.
Total number of tests run: 5
Suites: completed 2, aborted 0
Tests: succeeded 5, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
All tests passed.

To finish the article, let’s add a couple of Netty encoders and decoders and see how to test them using ScalaCheck.

Testing Netty Handlers Using ScalaCheck

Let’s say that our little phone-guide got distributed and now we need to send our PhoneNumber objects over the network. In Java there’s a pretty cool library to implement network servers called Netty. In order to write our PhoneNumber objects to the network we need to write an encoder class, and to be able to read them back from the network we have to write a decoder class. Then we provide those classes to Netty and it will know how to call them in order to send and receive PhoneNumber objects.

Here’s the MessageEncoder implementation that you should store in the src/main/java/org/videlalvaro/phoneguide/netty/ file:

And here is the MessageDecoder class that should go in the src/main/java/org/videlalvaro/phoneguide/netty/ file:

The implementation of these encoder/decoder classes is quite simple. We just tell netty how to write each class field to the network and how to read it back. For more details check the Netty documentation.

In an usual Netty application we would create a channel that will write or read data from the network, but for a test we don’t want to setup a whole network stack. Luckily Netty provides an EmbeddedChannel class that let use simulate writing and reading from a channel without having to create network connections. Let’s create the test for our encoder/decoder classes.

package org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.netty

import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.PhoneNumber
import org.videlalvaro.phoneguide.generators.Generators._

class EncoderDecoderTest extends FunSuite with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {
  test("netty encode/decode message") {
    forAll { (phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) =>
      val channel = new EmbeddedChannel(new MessageEncoder(), new MessageDecoder())


      val readPhoneNumber = channel.readInbound();
      readPhoneNumber should not be (null)
      readPhoneNumber.equals(phoneNumber) should be (true)
      phoneNumber.equals(readPhoneNumber) should be (true)

There we want to test that for all instances of our PhoneNumber class, if we encode it using Netty, we write it to the channel, and then we read it back and decode it, we get the right PhoneNumber instance, that is, it should be equal to the one we started from.

If we now run mvn test we should see something like this:

Discovery starting.
Discovery completed in 170 milliseconds.
Run starting. Expected test count is: 6
- netty encode/decode message
- equals should be reflexive
- equals should be symmetric
- equals should be transitive
- equals should be consistent
- equals should respect non-nullity
Run completed in 564 milliseconds.
Total number of tests run: 6
Suites: completed 3, aborted 0
Tests: succeeded 6, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
All tests passed.

As you can see instead of us providing very specific sample instances of our PhoneNumber class to unit tests, we are letting ScalaCheck generate them so we can verify properties on them. I think this is quite powerful.

Wrapping Up

In this article we learned how to setup a Java project that will be tested from ScalaTest using ScalaCheck. Once we had the build system set up, we implemented our Java class and then went straight to writing tests for it, seeing how to extend ScalaTest FunSuite so we could write ScalaCheck style properties in our tests. I hope the article would be useful for you and let’s you get started with ScalaCheck even if you are implementing a Java project.

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